Ravel’s Call

An international call is launched to holders of unedited ravelian sources (such as letters, autographs, signed photos, photos, signed scores, etc.) who desire to contribute to the advancement of ravelian research, and to the complete inventory of all ravelian sources.

Interested persons should kindly write to : Dr. Manuel Cornejo, 32, rue du Maréchal de Boufflers, F-59350 Saint-André, France.
Mail : amisdemauriceravel(at)gmail.com

Books to be published on the subject :

  • The Complete Correspondance of Maurice Ravel (2.700 documents) | Maurice Ravel : Correspondance, écrits et entretiens
  • The Selected Iconography of Maurice Ravel, in collaboration | Iconographie choisie de Maurice Ravel : Maurice Ravel par l’image (titre provisoire), projet en collaboration